Humboldt Services

Need help with children and youth? Want to adopt an animal? Need to appy for Cal-Fresh? Check out our services tab under "Humboldt County Resources" and you can find more information! If you are still having issues, please dial 211 for more info!


Looking for a new pet? Need shots for your animal? Our local services can help! Click for more info!


We provide options for counseling, planning for pregnant woman, and guidance to singles and couples desiring to adopt. Much more is available at 211.


The Department of Social Services has many programs to assist families and individuals in Humboldt County. We offer General Relief, CalFresh , Child Welfare Services, and more. Dial 1-877-410-8809 for more info, or 211.

Meet Our Team

Here's our wonderful staff!

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Jeanette Hurst

Director of 211 Humboldt

HSU graduate, earned her BA degree in social work, lived in Humboldt for almost 20 years. Willing to help those in need as soon as possible.

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Alex Tooker

Administrative Assistant

Information, resource and referral specialists.

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Juan Daza

Coordinated Entry Program Assistant

Information, resource and referral specialists.

What we do

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Have a question?

Dial 211 or visit our contact page for further inquiry

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