Partnering with Nourishing Neighbors to fight hunger in our community
Imagine having to worry about when your next meal will be or not knowing what you can feed your children …
Looking for a new pet? Need shots for your animal? Our local services can help! Click for more info!
We provide options for counseling, planning for pregnant woman, and guidance to singles and couples desiring to adopt. Much more is available at 211.
The Department of Social Services has many programs to assist families and individuals in Humboldt County. We offer General Relief, CalFresh , Child Welfare Services, and more. Dial 1-877-410-8809 for more info, or 211.
Director of 211 Humboldt
HSU graduate, earned her BA degree in social work, lived in Humboldt for almost 20 years. Willing to help those in need as soon as possible.
Imagine having to worry about when your next meal will be or not knowing what you can feed your children …
Cute little mother-in-law unit in Arcata. It’s separate from main house. It is 2 bedrooms and one bath on a …
Sunny east neighborhood. End of the street cul-de-sac with no through traffic.Easy walk to Market, Healthsport or the bus stop.Tucked …