Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH)
-Customer must have a residential account with PG&E in the name of an adult living in the household
-Customer must demonstrate an uncontrollable or unplanned change in their ability to pay their PG&E bill
-Customer must not live in subsidized housing (Exceptions: Seniors, permanently disabled or terminally ill)
-Customer must not have received REACH assistance within the past 18months
-Customer income must not exceed the REACH income guidelines, which are currently 200% percent above the federal poverty guidelines
Phone: 707-441-1001
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
Redwood Community Action Agency’s Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) provides assistance with the purchasing of essential firewood, propane, or heating from a utility company such as PG&E. This is a once per year program for eligible households. All appointments for energy assistance are preset each week.
Phone: (707) 444-3834
To schedule an appointment Call Mondays between 9AM -12 PM. or until appointments are filled for the week.
Low Income Home Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
Water program is now up and running. Clients must have a past due bill or notice of $200. The maximum grant is $2000.00 Water service provider must be signed up for the program also. Program is expected to run one calendar year. Call: 707 444 3831. |